What is this?

www.adaptivoktatas.hu t general-purpose adaptive learning system  together with an example curriculum.


The example Digital Health Curriculum covers the subject of the health and biology of the human body. It is made up of 150 illustrated information slides, 100 educational animations and nearly 900 illustrated gamified digital exercises. The unique curriculum functions as a digital book, offering illustrated content and interactive learning objects.


The Digital Tutor is in reality an adaptive learning methond that provides  learning assistance on an individual level. The purpose of the Adaptive system is to provide a unique and innovative way of presenting learning materials both in self discovery and adaptive algorithm driven mode.

In adaptive mode, the system is adaptive on an individual level, which means that it recommends learning materials/exercises to users in a manner that is never too easy (i.e. boring) and never too difficult (i.e. frustrating), providing users with a flow experience, and also offering the most effective method for mastering the curriculum.The example curriculum developed is aimed at children aged 12 to 14 years, and covers the subject of the health and biology of the human body.



.www.adaptivoktatas.hu can be used in two ways:


You can scan though the Digital Health Curriculum in a self discovery mode, just like when you read a digital book. You can read the information slides and additional illustrations, solve the exercises or watch the animations.


With the aid of the Digital Tutor based on your own requirements you can learn either chapters or the whole curriculum being oriented by the Digital Tutor. In this way the Digital Tutor provide you with learning materials/exercise or animation based on you precious results.


Reading the Digital Health Curriculum is freely available from the site but if you want the Digital Tutor to assist you learning activities you need to  register on the site.